

Ecommmerce & Order Process Fee:

  1. Inventory Unloading
  2. Order Processing
  3. Storage
  4. Shipping
  5. Value Added/Additional Service (if occurs)

Container Unloading Fee

Fee Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Container Unload 20′ Container ( 3 SKU / 700 Carton) $360.00 Per Container 1. If more than indicated SKUs, regardless of palletization, assess additional $10/SKU
2. If more than max carton count on Service Type, charge by $35/100 cartons, under 100 carton still charge by 100 cartons (min 100 carton calculations)
3. Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee
40′ Container ( 5 SKU / 1000 Carton) $460.00
40′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $480.00
45′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $540.00
53′ HQ Container ( 10 SKU / 1600 Carton) $600.00
Loose Carton Receiving Pallet In (1 Pallet / 1 Sku) $18.00 Per Pallet 1. Mix Pallets must separate each pallet by each SKU for receiving count. Separate receiving need to add new pallets service fee, if need pallet, add additional $18/pallet
2. For every pallet that mixes/contains separate, extra SKU, charge $10/SKU
3. Standard pallet size: 48″ x 40″ x 72″, each Non-Standard pallet receiving charges $23/Pallet
4. Each individual Carton over 50 lbs shall charge Overweight Fee of $0.05/lb.
Palletizing Fee $18.00 Per Pallet Includes Pallets, Shrink wrap, and Labor. Less than 1 pallet volume still counts as 1 pallet
Loose Carton Receiving $3.60 Per Carton 1. Size weight and Actual weight, take the larger number of weight
2. Every Carton mixed more than 1 SKU, charge $10/SKU
3. Each individual Carton over 50 lbs shall charge Overweight Fee of $0.05/lb.

Order Process Fee

Fee Item Fee Range Price Unit Notes
Shipping Processing Fee 0.01LB-5LB(Includes 1LB) 0.45-2.25kg $1.08 Per Unit 1. Includes Receiving Count, Stowing, Order Processing, Picking, Packing (basic and NOT including Packaging Material), Affix Shipping Label, Shipping
2. Size weight and Actual weight, take the larger number of weight, shipping weight calculation formula: length x width x height (cm) / 7000 kg or length x width x height (inch) / 179
3. Based on each unit of item individual sku, model numbered, and processed, as well as when items does not have MOQ of at least 1 Carton resulting in breaking carton.*Units are by packaging types of process, individual units or carton.
5.01LB-10LB(Includes 10LB) 2.25-4.5kg $1.52
10.01LB-30LB(Includes 30LB) 4.5-13.5kg $2.64
30.01LB-50LB(Includes 50LB) 13.5-22.65kg $4.26
50.01LB-80LB(Includes 80LB) 22.65-36.30kg $6.86
80.01LB-100LB(Includes 100LB) 36.30-45.35kg $7.80
100.01LB-120LB(Includes 120LB) 22.65-45.35kg $13.80
120.01LB-150LB(Includes150LB) 54.45-68.00kg $14.16
150LB and up 68.00kg+ $15.12
Repalletizing Processing Fee Palletize $18.00 Per Pallet Include Pallet, warp, and labor. Minimum 1 pallet

Storage Fee

Fee Item Fee Range Price Unit Notes
Storage 1-30 Day $0.54 /CBM/Day 1. Standard storage fee per cubic volume processes charges daily
2. The day Incoming is accepted will be the First Day of each item, the day shipping concluded System will auto calculate Storage fee
3. Volume calculations maintain decimal place to 3 digits
4. Returned Inventory that has not completed processing will charge based on Returns Storage Rent fee structure, if returns are finished in processing and stowed/shelved will use normal Storage Rent Fee structure
5. Each standard inventory batch will individually record time in stock, will account different period for each batch
31-60 Day $0.66
61-90 Day $1.06
91-180 Day $1.98
181-270 Day $3.30
>=271 Day $3.95

Pricing Supplement Explanation:

1.Fee Structure Consist:

  1. Container Loose Inbound-by Carton Outbound: Container Unload (by Container Size) + Receiving +Storage+Oubound + Shipping
  2. Container Loose Inbound-by Pallet Outbound: Container Unload (by Container Size) + Receiving +Storage+Oubound + Repalletize +Shipping
  3. Loose Inventory by Pallet/Carton Inbound – by Carton Outbound: Receiving (Pallet/Carton) + Storage + Outbound Processing + Shipping
  4. Loose Inventory by Pallet/Carton Inbound – by Pallet Outbound: Receiving (Pallet/Carton) + Storage + Outbound Processing + Repalletize + Shipping

2. Ecommerce Order Fulfullment Receipient: SoAnt+RC+ID;(ID is OMS Customer ID, Please consult Customer Support)Example: SoAntRC12345

3. Before inventory receiving, customer must complete Inbound Order and Inbound Receiving List (Including Self-Labeling Processing and FBA Returns), also must ensure Inbound

4.Received Inventory must be non-transparent, non-text, clean corrugated box carton, if uses our FedEx and UPS delivery services, then any transparent packaging, naked packaging, paper packaging, sleeved bag packaging, or taped up packaging. If received inventory with transparent packaging or naked packaged, warehouse would need to assess further Packaging Materials Fee.

5. Any inventory from the date of receiving, within 14 days of no further instruction on receiving such as Inbound Order, warehouse shall dispose of the inventories

6. Every carton shall contain just one SKU, except for final/last carton but must be physically separated, if not, will be charged additional $0.50/unit, please do not affix any sku labels on the outside carton

7. Inventory sent to our warehouse will be processed for stowing and shelved, inventory will be based on received quantities

8. When damaged or quantity not matching, warehouse will always Receive first then report and aren’t responsible for the discrepancy or conditions upon receiving

9. Any inventory received after 30 days with no further instruction on outbound order or other processes, will be deemed as abandonment, warehouse shall dispose of the inventories and charge per operation and handling related to disposal

10. Additional fees due to customer requests, such as repackaging, palletizing, exchange labels..etc, will be based on actual processes to assess service rendered, please see Value Added Services for fees listed

11. Order Process Cancellation

  1. Hasn’t left warehouse: OMS need to submit cancellation request 12 hrs before delivery pick up
  2. Left warehouse: Can only request return, will incur return and additional fees (actual fee will be based on actual and final billing)
  3. Interception will charge related and associated interception fees

12. Final explanation to rules above are reserved by Antfills, customer using our ecommerce order fulfillment services means customer fully understand and accept stated rules.

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Sticker Fee All stickers includes but not limited to, FNSKU sticker, 3PL warehouse internal barcode stickers (if not already on packages/carton upon receiving), outer box barcode sticker / pallet sticker, as well as FBA/ Carton Marks/Pallet Label/Marketplace Label/Pouches/Special Labels $0.70 /Label Label, pouches, any adhesive or requires attached, quantity will be based on actual quantities used by warehouse
Sticker Covering/Removal $0.85 /Label
Photo Service <20 Images, if over quote separately $0.30 /Label This service is not allow for specific batch and only provide basic photo, video shall be quoted separately
Web/Online professional product photos $4.00 /Image Images intended to be used commercially such as on website or marketplaces
Box / Carton Straps Includes box straps, reinforce packaging $2.40 /Carton Price for reference only, will be assessed with carton conditions for separate quote
Repalletize Include wrap, repalletize standard pallet, within 1.8M height $18.00 /Pallet Include Pallet, warp, and labor. Minimum 1 pallet
Combine Packaging/Re-Carton When combining multiple individual packaged Parts into one main packaging and/or carton, box packaging included. $6.45 /Carton Combing each packaging units (standalone product sku, accessories, parts..etc) into a larger, existing packaging and/or carton for such as FBA carton prep. <40 units/carton, count may vary depending on size, size, and volume.
Bundling/Kiting/Unbundling When combining/separate multiple individual Parts into one main packaging/sku $1.50 /Set of 3 parts (max) Bundling / Kitting of different units (standalone or parts) into one new SKU, or split and separate different skus from standalone sku. Maximum 3 parts, each additional part $0.25 each.
Additional Order Processing System processing and making of order additional updates and labels for shipping, fulfillment, logistics $0.50 /Label When manually create, generate, make labels, revisions, and other system operations  and updates related to processing orders, such as international, custom, additional instructions for more manual process.
Inspection / Repair Checking units individually. Depends on repair work difficulty level, price for baseline reference only $0.45 /Unit <5lbs/unit, +$0.05/lb/unit.
Inventory Cycle Count Perform Inventory Cycle Count, depends on work difficulty level, price for reference only $26.40 /Hour This service is not allow for specific batch (min 30min increments)
Packaging Material Box / Carton (Small) $2.40 /Unit 18*12*12 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Medium) $3.60 /Unit 20*16*14 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Large) $4.20 /Unit 24*18*12 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Extra Large) $5.40 /Unit 24*18*18 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Bubble Wrap / Polymailer $0.75 /Unit Either or, if both, multiply by 2. Suitable for Self-Labeling Processing Customer
Repackage Includes manual unpack, repack, open box or close box, does not include packaging material $1.45 /Unit Individual/Single unit repackaging (for batch >50 units, <50 units included in packaging material fee) includes light reworks such as parts replacement
Advance Packing Additional steps and materials needed to reinforce protection to shipment of order contents. Includes extra packaging material $0.85 /Order Best with fragile, high value, collectible…etc items
Self-Labeling Using own or other’s carrier accounts $1.00 /Label VC, Wayfair, Overstock..etc, palfrom self-labeling, or iwthout using our fulfillment shipping carrier accounts to process labels
Disposal Customer’s Return Inventory Trash / Disposable Fee $0.50 /lbs Product with battery contained to be quoted separately, <1lb to be counted as 1lb
Return Service Ecommerce Order Products Returns to Warehouse Please Refer to Order Fulfillment’s Order Processing Fee Warehouse Ecommerce Order Fulfillment’s return, receive and stow
Special Picking/Hold Inventory Fees Specific or special picking and holding items from inventories $120.00 /Order If carton missing detailed label will be $187.50/Order
Platform Fee Order Management System $180.00 /Month Including all platform connections and initial setup
Missing Item/Carton Label Fees When inbound item/unit or carton missing or does not have accurate label information $1.00 /Unit Units depends on whether is by item or by carton
Outbound Intercept Shipment Interception Manual Processing Fee, does not include address change, or other fees related to returns $9.60 /Order 1)Hasn’t left warehouse: OMS need to submit cancellation request 12 hrs before delivery pick up
2)Left warehouse: Can only request return, will incur return and additional fees (actual fee will be based on actual and final billing)

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

  1. Inventory Receiving
  2. In Warehouse Processing
  3. Outbound/Shipping
  4. Storage
  5. Value Added/Additional Service (if occurs)

Inbound Processing Fee – Bulk (Minimum USD50/Order)

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Return Receiving Inbound Loose Carton Inbound(<25lb) $2.75 Per Carton Return Receiving based on no carton opening for inspection, label replacement, count, change packaging, disposal..etc additional fees.
1. Return must be one (1) sku per carton, mixed sku will be assessed additional $0.30/Unit of Mixed Sku Return Fee
2. Over standard returned carton weight will be assessed additional $0.25/lb Overweight Fee
3. Return processing needs prior return inbound list to be entered into system
4. Return shipment needs to include Customer ID, if without Customer ID nor return inbound list, warehouse will deem return as unknown and automatically dispose the shipment
5. Full return pallet will be calculated per entire volume of the pallet
6. If Single/individual unit of return is received instead, refer to below In Bound-Single In Warehouse Processing Fee
Pallet Inbound (unstandard pallet $25/Pallet) $15.00 Per Pallet

In Bound -Single & In Warehouse Processing Fee

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Return Count/Separate 0< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=2lb(0.9kg) $0.90 /Unit 1. Individual returned units in its own return packings.
2. Further in processing of individual units after receiving of Carton or Pallets
3. Based on Customer’s Return Packing details
4. Disposal take system weight or actual weight whichever is higher
2< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=5lb(2.26kg) $1.44 /Unit
5< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=10lb(4.5kg) $2.10 /Unit
10< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=30lb(13.6kg) $4.44 /Unit
30< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=50lb(22.7kg) $6.72 /Unit
Each Individual Item/Unit Weight >50lb(22.7kg) $7.50 /Unit
Box / Carton Repacking Repackaging into new carton (Includes packing carton material & Outbound fees for Bulk/FBA/FBW) $8.45 /Carton Per customer instruction of count per carton needed and as long as carton fits. Carton size greater than 24x18x18 inches add additional $3
Relabeling $0.70 /Unit Changing FNSKU/ASIN/Barcode. Other services such as Reboxing refer to Add’l Service Fee page.

Pricing Supplement Explanation:

1. For Outbound Processing, Storage, Additional Services, please refer to respective fee pages.

2. Steps to avoid Mix SKU Return packages; 1) Go into, Inventory -> Manage FBA Inventory page, select one item (SKU) that needs to create FBA Returns, select Create
Removal Order -> Go, 2) Please set one Removal Order to only have one SKU/ASIN/FNSKU, if need to return more items, SKU/ASIN/FNSKU, please create multiple Removal Order

3. Warehouse Recipient RMA form requirement: SoAnt+ID+RT#;(ID is OMS Customer ID, Please consult Customer Support) Example: SoAnt12345RT01. Can only request return 1 SKU at a time, each batch to only have 1 SKU, same batch use same Recipient name

4. Before any Returns that’s set to arrive for receiving, must create “FBA Return Order”, within 14 days of no further instruction on receiving such as Inbound Order, warehouse shall dispose of the return

5. Return Label Exchanges instruction must be clearly provided, Warehouse will process according to instruction, if any parts are not clear will result in delay and efficiency of process

6. Warehouse will process quantity and fees based on actual receiving, received inventory regardless of damages, short quantities, warehouse will always receive first and report after.

7. within 1 week after labels are completed in exchanges, further instructions and process fees must be paid, if no further instructions after 14days, inventory will be deem as unclaimed goods and our warehouse has the rights to dispose the inventory and charge disposal fees

8. Fees occurs due to customer request, such as, photo, inspection, count,..etc, will be assessed based on actual occurrences, please refer to Value Added Services for fee structure

9. Other than above, all services needed shall be confirmed prior to receiving, if inventory received and customer adds additional services or modifies services, any and all additional fees and issues shall be the responsibility of the Customer

10. Final explanation to rules above are reserved by Antfills, customer using our ecommerce order fulfillment services means customer fully understand and accept stated rules.

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Service Item Price /Unit Notes
ISF Filling $45 Per Bill $45 only for Ocean
Customs Entry Fee $115 Per Entry Cover 5 HS Code, $5 per additional HS code
Duty at cost
Customs Single Bond $660 Per Year
FDA $45 Per HTS Code
Handling Charge $120 Per Bill For e-commerce customs clearance, regardless of the number of SKUs
Exam Fee at cost
Exam Handling Fee $90 Per Bill
Remote fee $45 Per Bill Customs clearance outside Los Angeles
Documentation Fee $75 Per Bill
Amending Fee $45 Per Bill Revise 7501
Weekend Fee $30 Per Bill
Other Services TBD Quote will be provided according to customer’s requirements

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Port of Discharge Place of Delivery Service Item Price /Unit Notes
Ocean FCL Long Beach Port Los Angeles Container Drayage $800 Per Container

Additionally charge of $200/container if container needs to sent to the checkpoint for inspection; Additionally charge of $100/container for expedite service fees; Additionally charge for overweight container, price may vary from state to state. Client can request a separate inquiry for shipment to other amazon addresses and business addresses. Quote includes 1st hour, will be additional $80/hr each additional hours of wait time, minutes not yet a full hour will be counted as 1 hour basis.

Los Angeles Warehouse Chassis Rental $45.00 Per Day Min. 3 days
Los Angeles Warehouse Chassis Split Fee $110.00 Single Drayage If occurs
Los Angeles Warehouse Demurrage at cost Exceeding LFD
Los Angeles Warehouse Per Diem at cost Exceeding the free container’s schedule time
Los Angeles Warehouse Pier Pass at cost Per Container
Los Angeles Warehouse Pre Pull $200.00 Per Container Pre Pull wait at stockyard wait for appointment time
Los Angeles Warehouse Storage $60.00 Per Container/Day Pre Pull wait at stockyard wait for appointment time and charge storage after
Los Angeles Warehouse Drop Off $200.00 Per Container Driver unloads the container in the warehouse and picks it up when it is empty.
Los Angeles Warehouse Port congestion fee $180.00 Per Container If Occurs
Los Angeles Warehouse Waiting Fee $80.00 Per Hour 1 hours free
Air Frieght LAX Los Angeles Warehouse Airline Terminal Fee at cost Including ISC/Break Down Fee. If the pallet is not dismantled at the airport, we will pick up the pallet or container to the warehouse for dismantling and charge $150/pallet/container.
Include ISC/Break Down Fee
Los Angeles Warehouse Pick Up Handling Fee $180.00 Single Drayage
Los Angeles Warehouse Pick Up Fee $0.20 Per KG Pick up charge per kilogram for the whole shipment, Min. $300 to start
Los Angeles Warehouse Partial Pick Up Fee $180.00 Single Drayage The whole shipment arrives in batches and needs to be picked up in several times, additional to the whole shipment pick up fee, a separate pick up fee will be charged each time starting from Part B.
Los Angeles Warehouse Warehouse Storage at cost Exceeding LFD
Los Angeles Warehouse Waiting Fee $65.00 Per Hour 1 hours free

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Ecommmerce Order Process Fee:

  1. Inventory Unloading
  2. Order Processing
  3. Storage
  4. Shipping
  5. Value Added/Additional Service (if occurs)

Container Unloading Fee

Fee Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Container Unload 20′ Container ( 3 SKU / 700 Carton) $360.00 Per Container 1. If more than 1 SKU, regardless of palletization, assess additional $10/SKU
2. If more than max carton count on Service Type, chagre by $35/100 cartons, under 100 carton still charge by 100 cartons
3. Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee
40′ Container ( 5 SKU / 1000 Carton) $460.00
40′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $480.00
45′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $540.00
53′ HQ Container ( 10 SKU / 1600 Carton) $600.00
Loose Carton Receiving Pallet In (1 Pallet / 1 Sku) $18.00 Per Pallet 1. Mix Pallets must separate each pallet by each SKU for receiving count. Separate receiving need to add new pallets service fee, if need pallet, add additional $18/pallet
2. For every pallet that mixes/contains separate, extra SKU, charge $10/SKU
3. Standard pallet size: 48″ x 40″ x 72″, each Non-Standard pallet receiving charges $23/Pallet
4. Each individual Carton over 50 lbs shall charge Overweight Fee of $0.03/lb (or $0.05/kg).
Palletizing Fee $18.00 Per Pallet Includes Pallets, Shring wrap, and Labor. Less than 1 pallet volume still counts as 1 pallet
Loose Carton Receiving $3.60 Per Carton 1. Size weight and Actual weight, take the larger number of weight
2. Every Carton mixed more than 1 SKU, charge $10/SKU
3. Each individual Carton over 50 lbs shall charge Overweight Fee of $0.04/lb (or $0.05/kg)

Order Process Fee

Fee Item Fee Range Price Unit Notes
Shipping Processing Fee 0.01LB-5LB(Includes 1LB) 0.45-2.25kg $1.08 Per Unit 1. Includes Receiving Count, Stowing, Order Processing, Picking, Packing (NOT including Packaging Material), Affix Shipping Label, Shipping
2. Size weight and Actual weight, take the larger number of weight, shipping weight calculation formula: length x width x height (cm) / 7000 kg or length x width x height (inch) / 179
3. Based on each unit of item individually skued, model numbered, and processed, as well as when items does not have MOQ of at least 1 Carton resulting in breaking carton.
5.01LB-10LB(Includes 10LB) 2.25-4.5kg $1.52
10.01LB-30LB(Includes 30LB) 4.5-13.5kg $2.64
30.01LB-50LB(Includes 50LB) 13.5-22.65kg $4.26
50.01LB-80LB(Includes 80LB) 22.65-36.30kg $6.86
80.01LB-100LB(Includes 100LB) 36.30-45.35kg $7.80
100.01LB-120LB(Includes 120LB) 22.65-45.35kg $13.80
120.01LB-150LB(Includes150LB) 54.45-68.00kg $14.16
150LB and up 68.00kg+ $15.12
Self-Labeling Processing 0.01Ibs-10Ibs(Includes 10Ibs) 0-4.5kg $1.20 Per Carton 1.VC, wayfair, overstock..etc platform self-labeling, without using our fulfullment services shipping accounts to process labels
2. Fee charged based on actual weight
3. Pick up are made by inteneded pick up personnel/driver, warehouse will match pick up request/receipt before handing packgaes over.
10Ibs-30Ibs(含30Ibs) 4.5-13.5kg $2.16
30Ibs-50Ibs(Includes 50Ibs) 4.5-22.65kg $3.00
50Ibs-70lbs(Includes 70lbs) 22.7-31.8kg $3.60
70Ibs-100lbs(Includes 100lbs) 31.8-45kg $5.40
100lbs-150lbs(Includes150lbs) 45-68kg $6.00
150lbs+ 68kg+ $7.00
Self-Labeling Loose Pallet $18.00 Per Pallet 1. Self-Labeling Loose Pallet Includes: Outbound Process Fee + Pallet Fee
2. If need to palletize then will need to add palletizing fee (ie. From different pallet picking different SKU to repalletize as new pallet)
3. Pick up are made by inteneded pick up personnel/driver, warehouse will match pick up request/receipt before handing packgaes over.
Repalletizing Processing Fee Palletize $18.00 Per Pallet Include Pallet, warp, and labor. Minimum 1 pallet

Storage Fee

Fee Item Fee Range Price Unit Notes
Storage 1-30 Day $0.54 /CBM/Day 1. Standard storage fee per cubic volume processes charges daily
2. The day Incoming is accepted will be the First Day of each item, the day shipping concluded System will auto calculate Storage fee
3. Volume calculations maintain decimal place to 3 digits
4. Returned Inventory that has not completed processing will charge based on Returns Storage Rent fee structure, if returns are finished in processing and stowed/shelved will use normal Storage Rent Fee structure
5. Each standard inventory batch will individually record time in stock, will account different period for each batch
31-60 Day $0.66
61-90 Day $1.06
91-180 Day $1.98
181-270 Day $3.30
>=271 Day $3.95

Pricing Supplement Explaination:

1.Fee Structure Consist:

  1. Container Loose Inbound-by Carton Outbound: Container Unload (by Container Size) + Receiving +Storage+Oubound + Shipping
  2. Container Loose Inbound-by Pallet Outbound: Container Unload (by Container Size) + Receiving +Storage+Oubound + Repalletize +Shipping
  3. Loose Inventory by Pallet/Carton Inbound – by Carton Outbound: Receiving (Pallet/Carton) + Storage + Outbound Processing + Shipping
  4. Loose Inventory by Pallet/Carton Inbound – by Pallet Outbound: Receiving (Pallet/Carton) + Storage + Outbound Processing + Repalletize + Shipping

2. Ecommerce Order Fulfullment Receipient: SoAnt+RC+ID;(ID is OMS Customer ID, Please consult Customer Support)Example: SoAntRC12345

3. Before inventory receiving, customer must complete Inbound Order and Inbound Receiving List (Including Self-Labeling Processing and FBA Returns), also must ensure Inbound

4.Received Inventory must be non-transparent, non-text, clean corrugated box carton, if uses our FedEx and UPS delivery services, then any transparent packaging, naked packaging, paper packaging, sleeved bag packaing, or taped up packaging. If received inventory with transparent packaging or naked packaged, warehosue would need to assess further Packaging Materials Fee.

5. Any inventory from the date of receiving, within 14 days of no further instruction on receiving such as Inbound Order, warehouse shall dispose of the inventories

6. Every carton shall contain just one SKU, except for final/last carton but must be physically separated, if not, will be charged additional $0.50/unit, please do not affix any sku lables on the outside carton

7. Inventory sent to our warehouse will be processed for stowing and shelved, inventory will be based on received quantities

8. When damaged or quantity not matching, warehosue will always Receive first then report and aren’t responsible for the discrepency or conditions upon receiving

9. Any inventory received after 30 days with no further instruction on Onbound Order or other processes, will be deemed as abandonment, warehouse shall dispose of the inventories and charge per operation and handling related to disposal

10. Additional fees due to customer requests, such as repackaging, palletizing, exchange labels..etc, will be based on actual processes to assess service rendered, please see Value Added Services for fees listed

11. Order Process Cancellation

  1. Hasn’t left warehouse: OMS need to submit cancellation request 12 hrs before delivery pick up
  2. Left warehouse: Can only request return, will incur return and additional fees (actual fee will be based on actual and final billing)
  3. Interception will charge related and associated interception fees

12. Final explaination to rules above are reserved by Antfill, customer using our ecommerce order fulfillment services means customer fully understand and accept stated rules.

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Affix Sticker Fee Includes FNSKU sticker, 3PL warehouse internal barcode stickers, FBA outter box barcode sticker / pallet sticker $0.60 /Label Label quantiy will be based on actual stickers used by warehouse
FBA Carton Label/Pallet Label/Shipping Label $0.70 /Label
Sticker Covering/Removal $0.72 /Label
Photo Service <20 Images, if over quote separately $0.30 /Label This service is not allow for specific batch and only provide basic photo, video shall be quoted separately
Box / Carton Straps Includes box straps, reinforce packaging $2.40 /Carton Price for reference only, will be assessed with carton conditions for separate quote
Repalletize Include wrap, repalletize standard pallet, within 1.8M height $18.00 /Pallet Include Pallet, warp, and labor. Minimum 1 pallet
Combine Packaging When combining multiple individual packaged Parts into one main packaging $1.20
Inspection / Repair Depends on repair work difficulty level, price for reference only $26.40 /Hour
Inventory Cycle Count Perform Inventory Cycle Count, depends on work difficulty level, price for reference only $26.40 /Hour This service is not allow for specific batch
Packaging Material Box / Carton (Small) $2.40 /Unit 18*12*12 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Medium) $3.60 /Unit 20*16*14 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Large) $4.20 /Unit 24*18*12 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Box / Carton (Extra Large) $5.40 /Unit 24*18*18 inch, will be based on actual size used by warehouse
Bubble Wrap / Polymailer $0.60 /Unit Suitable for Self-Labeling Processing Customer
Repackage Includes manual unpack, repack, open box or close box, does not include packaging material $2.40 /Unit
Disposal Customer’s Return Inventory Trash / Disposible Fee $1.20 /lbs Prodcut with battery contained to be quoted seapartely, <1lb to be counted as 1lb
Return Service Ecommerce Order Products Returns to Warehosue Please Refer to Order Fulfillment’s Order Processing Fee Warehouse Ecommerce Order Fulfillment’s return, receive and stow
Special Picking/Hold Inventory Fees Specific or special picking and holding items from inventories $120.00 /Order If carton missing detailed label will be $187.50/Order
Item/Carton Label Fees When inbound item/unit or carton missing or does not have accurrate label information $1.00 /Unit Units depends on whether is by item or by carton
Outbound Intercept Shipment Interception Manual Processing Fee, does not include address change, or other fees related to returns $9.60 /Order 1)Hasn’t left warehouse: OMS need to submit cancellation request 12 hrs before delivery pick up
2)Left warehouse: Can only request return, will incur return and additional fees (actual fee will be based on actual and final billing)

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

  1. Inventory Receiving
  2. In Warehouse Processing
  3. Outbound Processing
  4. Shipping
  5. Storage
  6. Value Added/Additional Service (if occurs)

Inbound Processing Fee (Minimum USD50/Order)

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Return Receiving Inbound Loose Carton Inbound(50lb and under >50lb need requote) $2.50 Per Carton Return Receiving based on no carton opening for inspection, label replacement, count, change packaging, disposal..etc additional fees.
1. Return must be one sku per carton, mixed sku will be assessed additional $10/SKU Mix Sku Return Fee
2. Return processing needs prior return inbound list to be entered into system
3. Return shipment needs to include Customer ID, if without Customer ID nor return inbound list, warehouse will deem return as unknown and automatically dispose the shipment
4. Full return pallet will be calculated per entire volume of the pallet
Pallet Inbound (unstandard pallet $25/Pallet) $15.00 Per Pallet

In Warehouse Processing Fee

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Return Count/Separate 0< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=2lb(0.9kg) $0.90 /Unit 1. SKU>1, adds additional $0.3/unit Separation Fee (charged with Mix SKU Processing Fee), 10 SKU or more to be quoted seaparately
2. Based on Customer’s Return Packing details
3. Disposal take system weight or actual weight whichever is higher
4. Spare parts for every SKU less than 10, less than 10lbs is $1.80/unit, greater than 10lbs is $4.25/unit
2< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=5lb(2.26kg) $1.44 /Unit
5< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=10lb(4.5kg) $2.10 /Unit
10< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=30lb(13.6kg) $4.44 /Unit
30< Each Individual Item/Unit Weight <=50lb(22.7kg) $6.72 /Unit
Each Individual Item/Unit Weight >50lb(22.7kg) $7.50 /Unit
Box / Carton Packing Packaging (Includes labor and packing material) $4.80 /Unit Carton size greater than 18x12x12 inches please refer to Carton fees in Value Added Services
Packaging (Not includes labor and packing material) $3.00 /Unit Amazon Self-Labeling process can use original carton, if warehouse processes delivery services then shall use standard cartons

Outbound Processing Fee

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Pallet Outbound Trucking Pallet Outbound $18.00 /Pallet Included Pallet fee + Outbound Processing fee; does not include repalletizing fee and shipping
Customer Arranged Trucking Outbound $14.00
Loose Carton Outbound Including but not limited to UPS/FedEx..etc Delivery Pick up $2.50 /Carton 1. Doesn’t include sticker fee (sticker fee refer to Value Added Service)
2.Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee

Pricing Supplement Explaination:

1. Steps to avoid Mix SKU Return packages; 1) Go into, Inventory -> Manage FBA Inventory page, select one item (SKU) that needs to create FBA Returns, select Create
Removal Order -> Go, 2) Please set one Removal Order to only have one SKU/ASIN/FNSKU, if need to return more items, SKU/ASIN/FNSKU, please create multiple Removal Order

2. Warehouse Receipient RMA form requirement: SoAnt+ID+RT#;(ID is OMS Customer ID, Please consult Customer Support)Example: SoAnt12345RT01. Can only request return 1 SKU at a time, each batch to only have 1 SKU, same batch use same Receipient name

3. Before any Returns that’s set to arrive for receiving, must create “FBA Return Order”, within 14 days of no further instruction on receiving such as Inbound Order, warehouse shall dispose of the return

4. Return Label Exchanges instruction must be clearly provided, Warehouse will process according to instruction, if any parts are not clear will result in delay and efficiency of process

5. Warehouse will process quanity and fees based on actual receiving, received inventory regardless of damages, short quantities, warehosue will always receive first and report after.

6. within 1 week after labels are completed in exchanges, further instructions and process fees must be paid, if no further instructions after 14days, inventory will be deem as unclaimed goods and our warehouse has the rights to dispose the inentory and charge disposal fees

7. Fees occurs due to customer request, such as, photo, inspection, count,..etc, will be assessed based on acutal occurances, please refer to Value Added Services for fee structure

8. Other than above, all services needed shall be confirmed prior to receiving, if inventory received and customer adds additional services or modifies services, any and all additional fees and issues shall be the responsibility of the Customer

9. Final explaination to rules above are reserved by Antfill, customer using our ecommerce order fulfillment services means customer fully understand and accept stated rules.

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

  1. Inventory Unloading
  2. Outbound Processing
  3. Storage
  4. Trucking Shipping
  5. Value Added/Additional Service (if occurs)

Container Unloading Fee

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Container Unload Fee 20′ Container ( 3 SKU / 700 Carton) $360.00 Per Container 1. If more than 1 SKU, regardless of palletization, assess additional $10/SKU
2. If more than max carton count on Service Type, chagre by $35/100 cartons, under 100 carton still charge by 100 cartons
3. Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee
4. Whole container unloading will be adjusted by market rate
40′ Container ( 5 SKU / 1000 Carton) $460.00
40′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $480.00
45′ HQ Container ( 5 SKU / 1200 Carton) $540.00
53′ HQ Container ( 10 SKU / 1600 Carton) $600.00
Loose Carton Receiving Pallet in $18.00 Per Pallet 1. Standard pallet size: 48″ x 40″ x 72″, each Non-Standard pallet receiving charges $23/Pallet
2. Each individual Carton over 50 lbs shall charge Overweight Fee of $0.03/lb (or $0.05/kg)
3. If more than 1 SKU, regardless of palletization, assess additional $10/SKU
Loose Carton Receiving $3.60 Per Carton 1. Pertaining to inventory loosely received, pricing already included in Inbound Pallet fee
2.Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee

Outbound Process Fee

Service Item Service Item Type Price /Unit Notes
Repalletizing Processing Fee Palletize $18.00 Per Pallet Include Pallet, warp, and labor. Minimum 1 pallet
Pallet Outbound Trucking Pallet Outbound $12.00 Per Pallet Include Pallet+outbound processing; does not include repalletizing fee
Customer Arranged Trucking Outbound $15.60
Loose Carton Outbound Including but not limited to UPS/FedEx..etc Delivery Pick up $2.50 Per Carton 1. Doesn’t include sticker fee (sticker fee refer to Value Added Service
2.Each carton greater than 50 lbs shall charge $0.03 lb (or $0.05/kg) for overweight fee
3. Each Carton needs to be set up as an indivual sku or model#, as MOQ would of at least one carton.

Pricing Supplement Explaination:

1.Warehouse Receipient: SoAnt+RC+ID;(ID is OMS Customer ID, Please consult Customer Support)Example: SoAntRC12345

2.Before inventory receiving, customer must complete Inbound Order and Inbound Receiving List

3.Final explaination to rules above are reserved by Antfill, customer using our ecommerce order fulfillment services means customer fully understand and accept stated rules.

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Service Item Price /Unit Notes
ISF Filling $45 Per Bill $45 only for Ocean
Customs Entry Fee $115 Per Entry Cover 5 HS Code, $5 per additional HS code
Duty at cost
Customs Single Bond $660 Per Year
FDA $45 Per HTS Code
Handling Charge $120 Per Bill For e-commerce customs clearance, regardless of the number of SKUs
Exam Fee at cost
Exam Handling Fee $90 Per Bill
Remote fee $45 Per Bill Customs clearance outside Los Angeles
Documentation Fee $60 Per Bill
Amending Fee $45 Per Bill Revise 7501
Weekend Fee $30 Per Bill
Other Services TBD Quote will be provided according to customer’s requirements

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

Port of Discharge Place of Delivery Service Item Price /Unit Notes
Ocean FCL Long Beach Port Los Angeles Container Drayage $700 Per Container

Additionally charge of $200/container if container needs to sent to the checkpoint for inspection; Additionally charge of $100/container for expedite service fees; Additionally charge for overweight container, price may vary from state to state. Client can request a separate inquiry for shipment to other amazon addresses and business addresses.

Los Angeles Warehouse Chassis Rental $45.00 Per Day Min. 3 days
Los Angeles Warehouse Chassis Split Fee $110.00 Single Drayage If occurs
Los Angeles Warehouse Demurrage at cost Exceeding LFD
Los Angeles Warehouse Per Diem at cost Exceeding the free container’s schedule time
Los Angeles Warehouse Pier Pass at cost Per Container
Los Angeles Warehouse Pre Pull $180.00 Per Container Pre Pull wait at stockyard wait for appoinment time
Los Angeles Warehouse Storage $60.00 Per Container/Day Pre Pull wait at stockyard wait for appoinment time and charge storage after
Los Angeles Warehouse Drop Off $180.00 Per Container Driver unloads the container in the warehouse and picks it up when it is empty.
Los Angeles Warehouse Port congestion fee $180.00 Per Container If Occurs
Los Angeles Warehouse Waiting Fee $80.00 Per Hour 2 hours free
Air Frieght LAX Los Angeles Warehouse Airline Terminal Fee at cost Including ISC/Break Down Fee. If the pallet is not dismantled at the airport, we will pick up the pallet or container to the warehouse for dismantling and charge $150/pallet/container.
Include ISC/Break Down Fee
Los Angeles Warehouse Pick Up Handling Fee $180.00 Single Drayage
Los Angeles Warehouse Pick Up Fee $0.20 Per KG Pick up charge per kilogram for the whole shipment, Min. $300 to start
Los Angeles Warehouse Partial Pick Up Fee $180.00 Single Drayage The whole shipment arrives in batches and needs to be picked up in several times, additional to the whole shipment pick up fee, a separate pick up fee will be charged each time starting from Part B.
Los Angeles Warehouse Warehouse Storage at cost Exceeding LFD
Los Angeles Warehouse Waiting Fee $65.00 Per Hour 2 hours free

*Price subject to change without notice, contact us for most accurate details

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